Possibly Applicable to This Replica All replicas will ship with a blaze orange front as required by US law. H&K Replicas will have all trademarks permanently covered with vinyl to avoid infringing anyone's trademarks.
Step back in time with the Marushin M1 Garand GBB, a replica that's not just a tool for airsoft battles, but a piece of history in your hands. Ideal for WWII enthusiasts and reenactors, this replica brings the legendary M1 Garand to life with its real wood stock, adding authenticity and a classic touch to your collection. The gas blowback system gives you a realistic recoil with each shot, enhancing your gameplay and shooting experience. What's more iconic than the signature 'ping' sound as the 8-round clip ejects? This feature alone makes it a must-have for collectors and players alike. Whether you're engaging in historical reenactments or looking for an immersive airsoft experience, the Marushin M1 Garand GBB is a perfect choice. Experience history, experience realism, and take your airsoft game to a whole new level!