The MPK is a replica almost never seen in airsoft form. With only one company previously making a spring version, This properly produced, collector grade replica is ground-breaking in its own way. Replicating every external detail found on the real MPK, down to every rivet, this replica is almost perfectly 1:1.
We tried our best to keep everything 1:1, and we're able to uphold this to extreme accuracy in the majority of dimensions. The replica features mock welding marks, just as found on the real thing, and field strips almost exactly the same too! Inside is a open bolt firing system, just like the real thing, with a bolt that blowback every shot and a functional charging handle. Externally the replica is made out of nylon12, a lightweight, yet durable material, while the internals are a mix of durable stainless steel and nylon. Over 50 different manufacturing methods have gone into creating the replica in its entirety.
Our new MPK features the brand new AtomicEngine. developed and produced fully in-house, This engine is the epitome of performance. capable of running off of both green-gas and HPA, while maintaining fully adjustable FPS, and RPS. How could we forget the blowback too! The atomic engine has a fully tunable blowback system, allowing for heavier or lighter recoil with ever shot. Were extremely proud of this engine and everything it can do, and hope you will be just as impressed as we are.