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Owning a gun is one thing, understanding how it functions, its history, and every part inside it, is another. Be The Most Knowledgeable Airsofter On Your Field.
Tanaka M1897 Trench Gun Review
Overview: The Tanaka M1897 is an amazingly well built replica, available in both model gun and airsoft format; from the rounded pump handle, to the locking bolt carrier, every...
Tanaka M1897 Trench Gun Review
Overview: The Tanaka M1897 is an amazingly well built replica, available in both model gun and airsoft format; from the rounded pump handle, to the locking bolt carrier, every...
Interview with Mr. Kojima, Designer of the Fuji...
Id like to clarify this is an article i found a while back, this is not mine, nor the businesses' interview (Id love a chance like that). There may be...
Interview with Mr. Kojima, Designer of the Fuji...
Id like to clarify this is an article i found a while back, this is not mine, nor the businesses' interview (Id love a chance like that). There may be...
Tokyo Marui Steyr GB Review
Overview: The tokyo marui steyr GB is an all polymer, NBB pistol. The pistol features a 18 round stick-type magazine. a gas tank built into the replica, and a non...
Tokyo Marui Steyr GB Review
Overview: The tokyo marui steyr GB is an all polymer, NBB pistol. The pistol features a 18 round stick-type magazine. a gas tank built into the replica, and a non...
Marushin Shell Ejecting Pistols Review
Overview: This review is to cover all of marushins shell ejecting pistol replicas; which came in many different materials, calibers, models, and operating system. the chart below will explain all...
Marushin Shell Ejecting Pistols Review
Overview: This review is to cover all of marushins shell ejecting pistol replicas; which came in many different materials, calibers, models, and operating system. the chart below will explain all...
Marui AA12 review
Overview: The AA12 is a famous shotgun in the real steel world; known for both its reliability and counter-recoil mechanisms, it’s definitely made its mark; which TM picked up on....
Marui AA12 review
Overview: The AA12 is a famous shotgun in the real steel world; known for both its reliability and counter-recoil mechanisms, it’s definitely made its mark; which TM picked up on....
Marushin Mateba Review
Overview: Marushin's Mateba revolver is a captivating airsoft replica that faithfully captures the unique design and functionality of the original Mateba 2006M revolver. This airsoft replica is a standout in terms of...
Marushin Mateba Review
Overview: Marushin's Mateba revolver is a captivating airsoft replica that faithfully captures the unique design and functionality of the original Mateba 2006M revolver. This airsoft replica is a standout in terms of...